Inspire Your Heart With Art Day

DATE: February 2, 2015

This week at Sundial Beach Resort & Spa, the Activities Department used art to inspire the hearts of our guests. In honor of Inspire Your Heart with Art Day, we would like to share the photos taken during this arts and crafts session inside of the Activities Hut.

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Art is just one type of various activities offered daily to guests staying at Sundial. We hope these photos inspire your heart the way happy guests inspire us.

Untitled design (8)Next time you visit us, plan the activities you want to participate in during your stay by looking at the updated version of our Activities Calendar.

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To stay and play at Sundial, book your accommodations online or call 239-472-4151. 

For regular Sundial Beach Resort & Spa news, updates and travel tips, check our blog or follow us on FacebookTwitterInstagramGoogle+ and Pinterest.



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